Friday, March 1, 2013

OK, had a couple of sick weeks, but I'm back.  When last time we viewed the green bear, it was very plain and from my perspective looked like a regular polar bear, which was the reference that I was working from. I was informed that the head was modeled fine, but didn't really match the body.  I also remember hearing that I should probably loose the body, and go for a floating head.  My biggest problem, I feel, was that a the beginning of the project was lost for ideas.  I implemented some new ideas, I didn't lose the entire body just half and change the other half to a snakes bottom half.  I was extremely tempted to add bat or dragon wings, but know we all ready have more air based creatures, plus I didn't want to wonder too far off from a bear base.


Friday, January 25, 2013

This is just the beginning of the alien bear. I started off with a polar bear with basic alien features.  Then I added protruding skeletal structures.  Next I will add antenna's and jaw-fingers. And I will probably end with teeth.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Jason Bradley


Today we went over modeling and interface designs.  I modeled three model versions for the crank.  Two of them had air vents but the vents was not the direction that we were going for.  The model that had the glass face was the direction that we were going for.  From what I gathered from the critique, there is a lot of extra geometry in certain areas.  So I have to readjust the geometry.  And I have to unwrap it as well which I completely over looked.  I also have to get with Dan on the battery connection.  I think as far as Jason C.'s design, I believe I was very close on capturing it.  I liked Ryan's idea with the futuristic interface on the visor of the helmet.  I think Alex has a good start on the ship.  And I also like Feruk's design as well.  Dan's mine looks very slick.